Infants Program
The daily plan for the infant classroom involves incorporating a balance of activities that address their developmental needs, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. Infants require a flexible schedule to accommodate their unpredictable needs. Below is our infant classroom daily plan:
Infant Classroom Daily Plan:
1. Arrival and Greeting (6:30 am - 8:00 am):
2. Free Play (8:00 am - 9:00 am):
3. Diapering and Feeding based on each baby’s notification reminder:
4. Tummy Time and Gross Motor Activities (10:00 am - 11:00 am):
5. Lunch, Diapering, and nap (12:00 pm - 2:00 pm):
6. Sensory Play
7. Quiet Time and Reading
8. Outdoor Time
9. Parent Pick-Up and Departure (5:00 pm - 5:30 pm)
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1. Arrival and Greeting (6:30 am - 8:00 am):
- Provide a warm and welcoming environment.
- Greet each child individually.
- Engage in brief conversations with parents.
- Set notification reminders for diapers and feeding.
- Do a health check and document it on the app
2. Free Play (8:00 am - 9:00 am):
- Morning snack time/ breakfast provided by parents.
- Set up age-appropriate toys and sensory activities.
- Encourage exploration and interaction between infants.
- Supervise closely to ensure safety.
3. Diapering and Feeding based on each baby’s notification reminder:
- Attend to diaper changes.
- Feed infants less than one as per their individual schedules.
- Use feeding time for social interactions and bonding.
4. Tummy Time and Gross Motor Activities (10:00 am - 11:00 am):
- Provide supervised tummy time for strengthening muscles.
- Introduce simple gross motor activities like reaching for toys.
- Encourage crawling and rolling.
5. Lunch, Diapering, and nap (12:00 pm - 2:00 pm):
- Serve age-appropriate and nutritious meals provided by parents.
- Attend to diaper changes as needed.
- Encourage self-feeding for those ready and older infants.
- Create a calm and quiet environment for napping.
- Follow individual sleep schedules.
- Use soft music or gentle white noise if needed.
6. Sensory Play
- Set up sensory activities like water play, soft textures, or safe edible play.
- Rotate sensory experiences to engage different senses.
7. Quiet Time and Reading
- Create a cozy corner with soft blankets and pillows.
- Read board books or play soft lullabies.
- Encourage self-soothing and relaxation.
8. Outdoor Time
- Weather permitting, take infants outside for fresh air.
- Provide a safe space for exploration and sensory experiences.
- Share highlights of the day with parents.
- Provide any necessary information or updates.
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